Homo Ludens Foundation was established in 2011 in the city of Sofia as a voluntary and independent organization incorporated as a not-for-profit legal entity.

Homo Ludens Foundation’s mission is to work to ensure the community’s sustainable development by encouraging charity and supporting the implementation of civic initiatives corresponding to the local needs. The main objectives of the foundation are:

  • To encourage the development and reaffirmation of cultural values;
  • To support the publication of HOMO LUDENS Journal;
  • To stimulate the cultural exchange between Bulgarian and the European and world culture;
  • To work for the enhancement of Bulgarian spectators’ theatrical culture;
  • To support the realization of the theatre projects of high cultural value;
  • To carry out operations for development of the cultural situation in the field of theatre theories and practices;
  • To carry out operations for integration of Bulgarian theatre art into the European and global theatre processes;
  • To interact with domestic and foreign natural persons and legal entities working in the field of analogous problems, including information exchange.

For the period of its existence Homo Ludens Foundation has implemented a number of projects in the field of theatre, has organized round tables, conferences, etc.

Homo Ludens Foundation partnered with British Council – Sofia for the implementation of the Royal National Theatre Live project in the period 2012–2017. Special screenings were made and discussions were held with students and theatre practitioners and spectators within the framework of that partnership at National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts.

Homo Ludens Foundation is the co-publisher of other specialized literature in the field of performing arts such as: “Theatre Practice in the First Decade of the 21st Century,” a collection of studies, co-published with Varna Summer International Theatre Festival in 2012, “Theatre in Bulgaria. 1989–2015” by Nikolay Iordanov, co-published with Institute of Art Studies at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2016, etc.

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